

西肯塔基大学董事会于3月4日星期五投票决定以两位长期支持者的名字命名该大学的校友中心。在日历年的第一次季度会议上,董事会批准将大楼命名为Eva和Jim Martens校友中心。此次命名是为了表彰Martens捐赠的超过500万美元的慈善捐赠,这也是WKU负责慈善事业和校友参与的副总裁Amanda Trabue在周五的会议上宣布的。

Jim和Eva Martens拥有J-Mar Properties,该公司在整个地区投资房地产。Jim于1972年从西肯塔基毕业,四十多年来,马滕斯夫妇每年都会向西肯塔基捐赠慈善礼物。Martens是西肯塔基校友会的终身会员,他们的四个孩子也是西肯塔基校友。WKU总裁Timothy C.Caboni指出,马滕斯家族的持续捐赠历史使他们成为该机构的顶级捐助者。


董事会还批准了西肯塔基大学音乐教授John Cipolla博士的大学杰出教授地位。作为一名木管乐器专家,Cipolla博士的音乐生涯将他带到了全球各地,包括在意大利、西班牙、秘鲁和纽约百老汇的演出。被任命为大学特聘教授是西肯塔基教授在大学所能获得的最高荣誉之一。西肯塔基杰出教授计划旨在表彰为大学服务并在教学、研究和服务方面取得杰出成就的教职员工。在季度会议上,Cipolla博士就单簧管和萨克斯管做了简短的表演。他的大学杰出音乐教授身份将于2022年7月1日生效。


董事会还认可了全国冠军西肯塔基啦啦队和教练。该小队在1月份赢得了在佛罗里达州奥兰多举办的环球啦啦队协会大学全国冠军赛的1A分区小型男女同校赛,从而赢得了节目历史上的第一个男女同校全国冠军。此外,西肯塔基Cheer的All Girl队获得了全国亚军,仅落后于阿拉巴马大学一分。





安吉拉·亚历山大·汤森(Angela Alexander Townsend)获得人文荣誉博士学位







营销和品牌战略助理副总裁John-Mark Francis和战略传播和媒体关系助理副总裁Andrea Hales提供了传播和营销部门的最新消息

招生和学生体验副总裁伊桑·洛根(Ethan Logan)提供了该大学秋季至春季保留率及其生活学习社区的最新信息


WKU Regents approve Alumni Center name,new graduate program

The WKU Board of Regents voted on Friday,March 4,to name the university’s Alumni Center after two longtime supporters.At its first quarterly meeting of the calendar year,the Board approved naming the building the Eva and Jim Martens Alumni Center.The naming honors a philanthropic gift of more than$5 million from the Martens,which was also announced at Friday’s meeting by WKU’s Vice President for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement Amanda Trabue.

Jim and Eva Martens own J-Mar Properties,which invests in real estate throughout the region.Jim graduated from WKU in 1972,and the Martens have made philanthropic gifts to WKU every year for over four decades.The Martens are Lifetime Members of the WKU Alumni Association,and all four of their children are also WKU alumni.WKU President Timothy C.Caboni noted that the Martens’sustained history of giving places them among the institution’s top donors.

During Friday’s meeting,the Board also voted to approve a Master of Science in Cybersecurity Data Analytics program.The program will be delivered entirely online,and will target working adults who are interested in pursuing careers in a variety of fields or enhancing their current employment.Students can enroll in the program beginning in the fall 2022 semester.Provost Robert“Bud”Fischer noted that the degree will utilize the expertise of existing faculty in the Gordon Ford College of Business.

The Regents also approved University Distinguished Professor status for Dr.John Cipolla,WKU Professor of Music.A woodwind specialist,Dr.Cipolla’s music career has taken him across the globe,including engagements in Italy,Spain,Peru,and on Broadway in New York.Being named a University Distinguished Professor is among the highest honors a WKU professor can achieve at the university.The WKU Distinguished Professorship program recognizes faculty members who have served the university with distinction and have compiled an outstanding record of achievement in teaching,research,and service.At the quarterly meeting,Dr.Cipolla gave a short performance on both the clarinet and saxophone.His University Distinguished Professor of Music status will go into effect July 1,2022.

Additionally,the Board approved a number of personnel actions,most notably,a 1.5%salary increase for eligible employees.The approval pertains to personnel actions that took place and have been approved through administrative channels between September 27,2021,and December 31,2021.

The Board also recognized the National Champion WKU Cheer Squad and coaches.The squad won the first coed national championship in program history in January by winning the Division 1A Small Coed Division of the Universal Cheerleaders Association Collegiate National Championship,hosted in Orlando,Florida.Additionally,WKU Cheer’s All Girl team finished as the national runner-up,just a fraction of a point behind the University of Alabama.

The Board also honored the late Randy Capps,who passed away on February 2.Dr.Capps served as the Parliamentarian for the Board of Regents for decades and was the founding chair of the Department of Speech and Theater,which is now known as the Department of Communication at WKU.“Randy had a gift for recognizing the potential in other people and inspiring people to pursue that potential,”said Board of Regents Chair Phillip Bale.“In honoring him,we can continue to see the potential of this university.”

Other items of business from the Quarterly Meeting included:

Approval of sabbatical leave for a number of faculty members

Approval of honorary degree recommendations

Honorary Doctorate of Humanities to Angela Alexander Townsend

Honorary Doctorate of Public Service to Abraham Williams

Acceptance of auditor’s reports and financial statements for WKYU-TV and WKYU-FM radio

Acceptance of the accountants’report on applying agreed-upon procedures for the previous fiscal year,as required by the NCAA

Acceptance for filing the statement of revenue and expenditures for the six months ended December 31,2021 and 2020

Approval of an addendum to the employment contracts of WKU’s head football coach and WKU’s head volleyball coach

Approval of authorization to grant utility easement across university-owned property to Chick-Fil-A for a new Bowling Green location

John-Mark Francis,Assistant Vice President for Marketing and Brand Strategy,and Andrea Hales,Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications and Media Relations,provided an update from the Division of Communications and Marketing

Ethan Logan,Vice President for Enrollment and Student Experience,provided an update on the university’s fall-to-spring retention rate and its Living Learning Communities

The Board of Regents will next meet for Committee Meetings on April 15,2022.
